Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. Matthew 7:7-8Back on the day the ring pulled a Houdini, escaping from the my friend's finger, and disappeared into the snow, we asked to be able to find it, and for quite sometime, I thought the prayer would not be answered. We searched for it, and nothing. Our Heavenly Father did answer the prayer, but it was not answered in our timing, but His timing. The promise in this scripture was fulfilled, in time.
We have been trained to seek immediate results, push a button, the channel changes; dial a number, be connected with someone across the globe, and because of this we often get frustrated when the Lord does not work on our time table. I often find this the case in my life, I prayer for help with a trial I may face, or ask for a blessing, but it does not come as quickly as I may want. Though still working on it, I am learning patience, part of which includes trusting in the timing of the Lord. Patience includes being able to bear delay or trials without getting anxious or angry.
I was frustrated those first few days that we would never find the ring and gave up hope; despite my lack of patience, I was still helped in finding that ring. I know that God does answer prayers, it may just not been when we want them to be answered. Many times He wants to help us learn how to trust Him more fully, so as we prayer, let us be patient that we may see those promised blessings.
I needed this. Currently waiting to be transferred to another Petco, and I thought I lost my patience when I read this, I felt extremely better.