Saturday, May 10, 2014

The Blessings of Mothers

In the Book of Mormon, we learn of a group of young men who courageously go off to war to help defend their family. These stripling warriors, as they have become known by, fought valiantly despite their inexperience for until this time they had never fought; they were willing to go to battle risking their own lives because they cared about their father's than their own lives. How did these youthful soldiers gain these attributes including their exceedingly great faith? As the scriptures put it "they had been taught by their mothers, that if they did not doubt, God would deliver them". These warriors even stated "we do not doubt our mothers knew it." (Alma 56:47-48) It was their mothers who had instilled in them the attributes and faith that made them noble warriors.

I have an amazing mother, she gained a great education at a well respected school, but was willing to put that to the side to be a mother to my sisters and me. She was always there for each one of us. When we were all in school, she found work as a substitute teacher in order for her work schedule to match our school schedule. She loves being our mother. She was the one who raised us, not ignoring my equally great father. She helped us with our homework and taught us how to be considerate and loving to others. I know that she wants each one of us to find the greatest happiness in life and has taught us how.

To me it seems like mothers are under-appreciated and even, at times, the world even makes motherhood seem degrading or as an unnecessary chore. The world makes other things seem so appealing that we can lose sight of those things that matter most. Families are of the utmost importance in our Heavenly Father's eyes because we are part of his family and he wants us to be with our families forever.

Mothers have one of the greatest responsibilities in the world; The Family: A Proclamation to the World teaches that "mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children." As mothers spend a tremendous time with their children, especially in their childhood, they teach their children and have a profound effect on who their children are when older. For example, it was the mothers of the stripling warriors who lovingly taught them to trust in God. Their mothers taught them to place the freedom of others above their own lives. For myself, my mother has always known how best to help me when I faced challenging circumstances; I also always look forward to receiving emails from her. She has taught me so much.

The home is one of the most sacred places on earth, and mothers have the privilege to teach children in the home how to become the great people God has sent them to be. God has entrusted women with the raising of the future generation. On this mothers day, and every other day, let us remember our mothers and the women in our lives who have shaped us and have raised us to be the people we are now. Let us be thankful for all that they have done for us and what they continue to do for us.

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